Australian Embassy
The Philippines

Speeches 2009

Speeches - 2009

• Remembrance Day 2009 - Commemorative Address by Ambassador Rod Smith - 11 November 2009

• Australia's Defence and Security Concerns - Presentation to the National Defense College of the Philippines- Ambassador Rod Smith - 13 October 2009
• Philippines-Australia Resources Education Excellence Program Mining Scholarships Launch - Opening Remarks by Ambassador Rod Smith - 16 September 2009

• Encouraging Leading Practice to Achieve Sustainable Development in Mining by Australian Companies - Presentation by Mr John Hartwell, Head of Resources Division Department of Resources, Energy & Tourism - 16 September 2009

• 13th Asia-Pacific Policy Forum and Launch of Australian Government Aid Initiatives on Disaster Risk Reduction - Welcome Address by Ambassador Rod Smith - 20 August 2009

• Celebration of NAIDOC Week 2009 and Presentation of Indigenised School Materials - Remarks by Charge d'Affaires Stephen Scott - 10 July 2009

• Closing Ceremonies of the Philippines- Australia Port Security Project - Remarks by Ambassador Rod Smith, Makati City - 19 June 2009

• Interfaith Partners' Forum - Remarks by Ambassador Rod Smith, Davao City - 20 May 2009

• ANZCHAM Annual General Meeting - Remarks by Ambassador Rod Smith, 10 March 2009