Australian Embassy
The Philippines

ACIAR Research for Development

Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR)

The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) is the Australian Government’s specialist agricultural research-for-development agency that brokers and funds research partnerships between Australia and partner countries including the Philippines.   

Many studies around the world over many years have consistently shown that improving farming systems and food security delivers enormous social, economic and environmental benefits. ACIAR works primarily with countries in the Indo-Pacific and Eastern Africa on bilateral and multi-country research partnerships that benefit the small holder farmers, fisherfolks, rural communities, consumers, researchers and policymakers. Australian farmers, agribusinesses and researchers also benefit tangibly through, knowledge and technology exchange and building linkages that can foster future trade relationships. 


Research that works for the Philippines 

ACIAR’s work in the Philippines is governed by a Memorandum of Understanding on Scientific and Technical Cooperation with the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARRD).  ACIAR and DOST-PCAARRD have been bilateral partners since1983. Significant achievements have been realised from this cooperation in the areas of cryo-preservation of seeds of tropical fruit species, reduction in mango and papaya plant disease, improved livestock management and biotechnology, improved bamboo management; improved soil, land and water resource management, improved product quality and market access for fruits and vegetables, mixed method impact assessment, and extension service model in conflict-vulnerable areas, among others.   


Capacity Development  

Capacity development is closely linked to our research initiatives. Opportunities include bespoke courses, ACIAR Learn (an online self-paced learning platform) ACIAR John Allwright Fellowship (Masters and PhD by research Scholarships in Australia), the John Dillon Fellowship (Leadership Program), the Meryl William Fellowships (Leadership Program for Women Researchers) and the ACIAR-PhilDOST Fellowships (co-funded PhD scholarships in Australia and study support by  ACIAR and the Department of Science and Technology).  These Fellowships enable researchers and scientists to gain credentials from Australian Universities, improve their leadership skills and improve career opportunities.  ACIAR also supports Master Classes (MC) which successfully bring together a cohort of researchers, academics, farmer leaders and representatives from the private sector to collaborate.  


Australian Alumni – Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Community of Practice 

Completers of the capacity development programs become part of the Australian Alumni. ACIAR provides opportunities for continuous learning and networking through alumni activities.  ACIAR supported the establishment of the Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Community of Practice within the Australia Alumni Communities Philippines (AACPh). This has resulted to a more systematic approach to supporting ACIAR’s alumni and provides a formal mechanism for government and other stakeholders to access their expertise on critical development issues.   


Country Strategy 2024 to 2030 

ACIAR Philippines aims to contribute to improvements in productivity, competitiveness and sustainability of agri-food systems for human, environmental, and economic resilience, through collaborative research, capacity development and effective dissemination and uptake of research outcomes.  

ACIAR has the following strategic objectives 

  • To boost agricultural productivity through sustained improvements in soil health that will enable farmers to enhance and intensify production, productivity and quality.              
  • To improve biosecurity, food safety and on-farm productivity through integrated crop and livestock management,  improved post-harvest storage and management, disease and pest management. 
  • To promote inclusive agri-food value chains for sustainable livelihood and income generation. 
  • To improve sustainability and biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems to enable sustainable food production. 


To amplify results, ACIAR also aims to 

  • enhance resilience of agri-food systems through adaptation to climate variability and climate change 
  • improve gender equity 
  • build scientific and policy capability of individuals and partner institutions 
  • promote R&D results and utilisation through policy, science communications and technology transfer. 


For more information on ACIAR projects and activities in the Philippines, please visit contact [email protected]



updated: February 2025